Statement on the Introduction of the Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act
The Ontario Greenbelt Alliance Steering Committee responds to the Province's proposed law to return 7,400 acres of farmland and natural areas removed from Greenbelt late last year back into the Greenbelt.
Learn about new efforts to protect the Greenbelt, including a new Federal report and a webinar series designed to build a liveable Ontario that protects the Greenbelt from development.
Statement on the Introduction of the Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act
The Ontario Greenbelt Alliance Steering Committee responds to the Province's proposed law to return 7,400 acres of farmland and natural areas removed from Greenbelt late last year back into the Greenbelt.
Learn about new efforts to protect the Greenbelt, including a new Federal report and a webinar series designed to build a liveable Ontario that protects the Greenbelt from development.